"Are you famous?"My favorite question to get in the airport. I guess standing around the airport with a guitar on your back and a stupefied look on your face indicates to some that you're in a band. Limp Bisquick maybe?
Kids, if you have to ASK whether someone is famous isn't it rather clear that they aren't? Never mind, it allows me the awkward opportunity to promote my new record; one coach passenger at a time. I guess I'm gonna be using up my miles.
So, L.A. was cool. Had a few meetings, spent some time with some friends old and new, and got squared away with a giant crystal dildo thingy... Otherwise known as a BMI award. I left it in L.A. 'cause it weighs too much to put in a carry on and I was afraid it would turn into a pile of glass beads in the cargo bin. So, I put it in a cab with a wad of cash and my address taped to the top.
Also, every time I take Dan Cohen to the Pacific time zone somebody breaks into his house. Dan is going to leave a key under the mat. Please stop breaking things. Take what you need and be on your way. And don't let the damn cat out! There used to be some consideration in burglary. Class it up people.
Here are some clips of me caught on camera chewing gum; very cosmopolitan! Jace at the BMI Awards