Interweb access has been spotty at best the past couple of weeks, but here's a breakdown:Really great time with the Velvet Love Box on the D/FW Fox morning show "Good Day". Then a pair of killer shows with my dream band (Dan Cohen, James Cook, and Derek Mixon- the guys on my record) in Snoqualmie and Salem. Followed up with a great show for the film and TV crowd in L.A. last week. Dan and I played quasi-acoustically to a big crowd at the Gibson Guitar Room in Beverly Hills. Placements to follow!

This week I'll be at the Iowa State Fair on Friday night. If you like hard core corn and sweet rockin' tunes come on down.

I'll put links up this week, but I just took the 11 hour drive from Texas to NashVegas and I'm spent like last years stimulus bill.

Peace, JE