Part of the joy of a new web site is getting the comments and suggestions from the folks who visit you. With that in mind I'd like to share with you some of my new spammer friends and their illuminating posts. I'll excise their IP addresses and their email address. Why? Because unlike them I'm not a complete asshole: xxxxxxxx Submitted on 2009/06/05 at 4:34pm у тебя оправдывается проект? нужна помощь в обмене ссылкам

BMI Film/TV Awards 0 # xxxxxxx

Submitted on 2009/06/05 at 6:54am старушке тяжелее писать блоги , как эх догнать такие вот блоги

BMI Film/TV Awards 0 # tolstushka16

Submitted on 2009/06/05 at 1:23am ВАМ симпатичны толстушки?

BMI Film/TV Awards 0 # BuyViagra

Submitted on 2009/06/04 at 9:03pm yes! do you speak english?

BMI Film/TV Awards 0 # AndrewBoldman

Submitted on 2009/06/04 at 7:39pm The article on antibiotics are very good.

BMI Film/TV Awards 0 # gay28

Submitted on 2009/06/04 at 4:06pm мы геи ???

BMI Film/TV Awards 0 # sertop62

Submitted on 2009/06/04 at 5:00am у вас окупается проект? я думаю что лучше различные партнерки не поссылкам

BMI Film/TV Awards 0 # KrisBelucci

Submitted on 2009/06/01 at 8:21pm Original post by mattusmaximus