Title: Blue Moon Saloon
Location: Lafayette, LA
Description: With the Levees
Start Time: 6 p.m.
Date: 2009-09-27
Title: Riverside Warehouse
Location: Shreveport, LA
Description: Show with the Levees
Start Time: 8 p.m.
Date: 2009-09-26
Title: NYC ShowLocation: Gramercy Theatre Link out: Click here Description: Jace and Dan rock it out in NYC. Start Time: 08:00 p.m. Date: 2009-09-21
Title: Hotel Utah Show
Location: San Francisco, CA
Link out: Click here
Description: Electra-Coustic duo with Jace Everett and Chris Raspante
Start Time: 9 p.m.
Date: 2009-10-28
Title: Hotel Cafe- L.A.
Location: 1623 1/2 N. Cahuenga Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
Link out: Click here
Description: Jace, Dan, and some friends get their Ya-Yas
Start Time: 8 p.m.
Date: 2009-10-30
Title: NYC Show
Location: Gramercy Theatre
Link out: Click here
Description: Jace and Dan rock it out in NYC.
Start Time: 08:00 p.m.
Date: 2009-09-21
At least I hope he will be! The man behind all the great music score you hear in TrueBlood has finally had the chance to get his stuff on iTunes. Check it out! Nathan is not only a phenomenal composer, but a damn fine guy. Go support his music. Nathan Barr on iTunes
So I've been nominated for this Spike TV award. It's like a Grammy, without all the pesky prestige. It's called the Scream 2009 Awards-honoring what's good and great in Sci-Fi, Horror, and Comics.
Go here, vote for me, sleep well:
http://www.spike.com/event/scream2009/page/vote/category/33121ROCK MY VOTE!
One of the many fine folks I spoke with in L.A. last month just published some excerpts of our conversation in this weeks People:PEOPLE MAGAZINE
Teddy stealing the show as usual. Damn dog.
I smell a EuroTrash tour on the horizon!
Interweb access has been spotty at best the past couple of weeks, but here's a breakdown:Really great time with the Velvet Love Box on the D/FW Fox morning show "Good Day". Then a pair of killer shows with my dream band (Dan Cohen, James Cook, and Derek Mixon- the guys on my record) in Snoqualmie and Salem. Followed up with a great show for the film and TV crowd in L.A. last week. Dan and I played quasi-acoustically to a big crowd at the Gibson Guitar Room in Beverly Hills. Placements to follow!
This week I'll be at the Iowa State Fair on Friday night. If you like hard core corn and sweet rockin' tunes come on down.
I'll put links up this week, but I just took the 11 hour drive from Texas to NashVegas and I'm spent like last years stimulus bill.
Peace, JE
Thanks to all the great folks at the Snoqualmie Casino. It was another wild and wooly evening... Bringing "Red Revelations" to the "country" fan base is always an adventure! Thanks to all who stuck it out, bought CD's, and basically showed the love.
Salem, watch yourself; here we come down your street...
Thanks to the fine folks at KDFW 4 Texas in D/FW for their hospitality this morning! Also, big props to Neil, Scot, and Brandon from the Velvet Love Box for doing a stellar job playing with me.
I'll post a link to the performance as soon as they put it up!
I'm on the road tomorrow. Headed to the Homeland; Tarrant County Texas. Looking forward to family, friends and most importantly-my son. Jacques arrives Monday evening after my TV shindig. I've got a song on the record, "More to Life". When it comes to my boy... well... there's nothing more to life than him.
I'll probably be quiet for a few days (I know it's hard to fathom) but I can't wait to see my son! 13 years old, gorgeous, sweet, and amazingly sharp. Let the good times roll!
This mostly applies to my friends and family in Texas, but what with the world wide interwebnets we can all play! Monday July 27th I will be performing some new material on the KDFW Fox 4 Texas morning show-GOOD DAY.
Joining me as my band will be some dear old friends- THE VELVET LOVE BOX The guitarist, Scot Cloud, is one of the first guys I ever did a gig with. I was 15! The drummer, Brandon Bumpas, is one of the most inventive and creative percussionists you will ever see or hear. The bassist, Neil Schnell, is a great singer, songwriter and bass player. These guys have been my real life buddies for years and I've spent many a night at the bar wondering how they can sound so huge. Now let's hope they don't fuck it all up on TV! (I kid, I kid)
We gotta be there by like 6:30 a.m., but I think the actual performance is late in the day... like 8:30 or something. WTF!? Anyway, it ought to be fun. We will be bleary eyed and puffy (as usual), but enjoying the Foxxy festivities! Tune in, Drop Out, Hang Around...
One side of a phone conversation between Jace and his label, Weston Boys:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We've found dozens and dozens of sites featuring my music in the past few weeks! It's so great to see it catching on! Sites in Russia, South Africa, China, even Idaho!"
"Tens of thousands of people have downloaded "Bad Things" in the last month alone!"
"I've really made it big now!"
"What? What's that you're saying? What's a "bit torrent"?"
"For free? Like "free", free?"
Dialtone and curtain --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on actual events we present this "DRAMATIC MOMENT WITH JACE" to remind our viewers that you can purchase the new album, "Red Revelations" on iTunes for only $9.99! Twelve songs! About 84 cents a song!
You can steal it lots of places. But every time a record is stolen God has to kill a kitty.
In my continuing effort to think of little more than myself, I present these nice links... about myself. I'm sick like a dog today, allergies I hope. My throat is closed and my head is pounding like a vaudeville bass drum... But anyway, here's what the nice people have to say:
Here's some more links to nice folks who say nice things about a nice record; Nice!
Thanks to all of these folks for taking the time to mention my music!
No True Blood until July 12th!! What better time to dry your bloody tears and check out the new Jace Everett record; "RED REVELATIONS".11 brand new tracks on the CD, some inspired by the first season of True Blood! And of course the vampirey goodness of the bonus track; "Bad Things (Theme from True Blood)".
Gotta get the instant fix? Go to iTunes and download all 12 tracks for only $9.99!!
Want the pretty pictures and new music smell? Order the CD right here at The Store.
If you really like your needles there's always the two vinyl versions of the record; 180g BLACK vinyl, or the "Special Blood Red Edition" which includes 180g RED vinyl, a signed album jacket, and a personally autographed photo of Jace.
Bill & Sookie will be back on the twelfth of July. I think Mr. Everett even broke down and ordered cable!